Where are you located?
251 US Route 1Suite W-7Falmouth, ME 04105
What payment methods do you accept?
Credit cards, cash, and checks.
Do you take insurance?
I do not.
What can I expect?
You can expect to talk about your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. This includes some talk about daily activities, dreams, passions, and hopes. This can be a heavy topic, so be aware some sessions can feel like a lot of emotional energy when challenging strong thought patterns.
How long does therapy take?
As long as it takes and as short as it takes! The behavior and thought patterns take time to develop and will take time to be changed. Some people report having improvement after a few sessions, while others need a bit longer! Long-term changes can vary in time of development.
I am uncomfortable talking about certain topics; can I still come to therapy?
Absolutely! My goal is to help you achieve the goals you have for your mental health while still living in the limits of your comfort. I might challenge you to come up with alternative ways of communicating about the topic, but strive to ensure you are comfortable and respected during the sessions.
My partner and I want to separate; can we still come in?
Definitely! Learning how to separate, divorce, un-couple, or however you are terming it, can be a challenging avenue where I can support you in this. It can be particularly helpful when children are involved and wanting to ensure safe, respectful co-parenting.
What if my partner/family don’t want to come in?
One person changed can add a different dynamic to the couple or family relationship. While it is preferable that both partners commit to couples therapy… Family is different… it’s tougher, really, to get all parties involved into therapy.
How long are the sessions?
Sessions are a clinical hour, which is 50 minutes of face-to-face time, allowing me 10 minutes to do documentation and any notes necessary. There is also the opportunity for 2-hour sessions (an hour and 50 minutes) if you feel an hour will not allow all that you are hoping to cover.
What about during horrible weather?
I hate driving in the snow as much as you do! There is the option of telehealth (over the computer), which can let us engage in a session from the comfort of our own homes and away from the white stuff.
Are you serious all the time?
Heck no! Laughter can be helpful for demonstrating emotion and easing tension.
Toen de meisjes echter ontdekten dat elk van hen niet de enige Migava is, wendden ze zich tot de politie. Nu is hij begonnen met https://belgiepillen.com/aspirine-het-meest-betaalbare-en-doeltreffende-geneesmiddel-om-het-seksuele-uithoudingsvermogen-te-vergroten/ onderzoeken van fraude.
